Course Imaging Facility OIC News

MinFlux super-resolution
demo & workshop

The Erasmus Optical Imaging Centre will host a MinFlux demonstration in the period of November 11-15 and a NVvM workshop focussed on MinFlux microscopy on Monday November 18. 

MinFlux 3D unrivaled resolution and speed

MINFLUX, or minimal fluorescence photon fluxes microscopy, is a super-resolution light microscopy method that offers nanometer-scale 3D-imaging and microsecond-range single molecule tracking and can attain 1–3 nm resolution in three dimensions

We are excited to announce that our imaging facility has a state-of-the-art Abberior MinFlux system available for demonstation November 11-15. The system will also be part of the OIC functional imaging course in the same week.
The demonstration will be concluded with a whole day NVvM MinFlux workshop on Monday November 18, 2024.

More information about the workshop, demonstration period and the registration can be found here.

Imaging Facility OIC News

Our new colleague Ilse

We would like to introduce our new colleague Ilse Bakker, who started Juny of this year.

Ilse will be working in the OIC in the context of a project financed by the Convergence Flagship Imaging Facility and Innovation Centre (CIFIC) lead by Adriaan Houtsmuller, Erasmus MC and Jacob Hoogeboom, TU Delft. She will develop novel methods and staining techniques for combining fluorescent confocal microscopy and electron microscopy.

Imaging Facility OIC News

Our new colleague Marla

We would like to introduce our new colleague Marla Lavrijsen, she started this april within the OIC.

She will be a new member of our team assisting users of our confocal microscopes during their experiments and introductions.

Imaging Facility OIC News

NWO Roadmap NL-BioImaging started

The NWO Roadmap consortium NL-bioimaging has officially started.

The Erasmus Optical Imaging Centre is one of the imaging nodes within NL-BioImaging, an infrastructure for advanced microscopy within the Netherlands. With the the start of this initiative the OIC receives a five year funding for development of automated microscopy.